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At Medinet we feel that we don’t work in a simple work. Healthcare is something bigger. We have to be focused, up to date and ready to support our customer in the difficult situations.


The training of our staff is ongoing, with workshops in Greek Hospitals and abroad.

We have a highly experienced and trusted leadership team with an exceptional track record in healthcare industry.


Our management team has diverse backgrounds across technology, scientific research, operations, financial services and marketing.


They have all held senior management roles in their respective organizations.


Argiris Georgiades
Medinet CEO

I was born and raised in this job. It was something like a "mother tongue". The hearings from the family business were continuous. Ι didn’t chose to study medicine but I always had in my mind that I had to study economics to be able to take the business to the next forward step.


I studied business and specialized in MBA at Kingston University. But my education doesn’t stop there. Health technology courses are ongoing. This is also trying to spread throughout the Medinet people.


During my administration Medinet focused on GI Endoscopy, we expanded outside of Greece to further our growth and our sales volume has grown by 80%.


I deeply believe that partnerships bring growth; this is why I pay great attention to selecting the right partners inside and outside the company.


In the coming years there will be dramatic changes in the health industry. Rest assured that we have laid the foundations to play an important role in this development.


It is my pleasure if you would like to contact me.

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Maria Dane
Medinet CMO

Graduated from university in Business Management at the Plymouth University and has over 10 years experience in sales and marketing experience in large cap companies Mrs. Dane has Joined Medinet at 2004.


Then she has held executive level sales and marketing positions within Medinet Ltd and was appointed as CMO in August 2017.


Mrs. Dane becomes the best asset of the organization by the successfully coordinating people, projects and resources.

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